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Springboard services are powered by a platform of proven methods and effective technology


What is the ESG ImpactCheck?

The Springboard ESG ImpactCheck is a simple diagnostic tool you can easily apply to assess your organization’s readiness and performance. It is designed to identify and measure your organization across nine ESG elements. This survey will help you build an understanding of your organization’s capability and capacity to succeed in areas ranging from strategic alignment, essential foundations, and organizational profile. 

How can your organization benefit?

  • Measure current practices which impact company profile and performance

  • Identify and prioritize areas for improvement and value creation

  • Implement tailored strategies to build on strengths and close critical organizational gaps

  • Continuously monitor progress, program success, and verify improvements

ESG Elements & Categories

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Our offering includes a full range of technology solutions that can be customized to meet your unique requirements

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ESG ImpactCheck

A comprehensive sustainability diagnostic to help focus your organization's efforts.

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Impact Model

A multi-step approach to discover and prioritize your business impacts and benefits.

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Inclusion Monitor

A process for tracking sustainability management process participants and building sustainability mindsets.

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Purpose Finder

A guide for developing a three-dimensional purpose statement anchored in your organization’s impact.

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Engagement Studio

A technique for engaging individuals and effectively facilitating high-impact workshops using video collaboration technology.

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Impact Tracker

A robust technology platform to track identified organization impacts and management efforts as part of a sustainability operating system.

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ESG Field Alert

A technology application enabling sales or service staff to systematically capture and report customer ESG issues or interests.


Campaign Manager

A comprehensive approach for integrating organization impacts with marketing and communication programs.

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© 2022 Springboard Impact Advisors 

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